Hapkido FAQ

1. Is hapkido only for fit young people?

People of all ages (including seniors) can enjoy hapkido. Hard physical aspects of hapkido training can be tailored to individual abilities.

2. Is Hapkido suitable for both men and women?

Classes are mixed, and suitable for both men and women to enjoy.

3. What do you wear?

To begin classes wear loose fitting clothes such as jogging bottoms and t-shirt or sweatshirt. No socks or shoes. For safety- nails are to be clipped short, and wear no jewellery.
A hapkido suit (dobok) and belt is suggested for students that wish to continue.

4. Is hapkido safe?

Safety is maintained in classes with proper discipline and structured lessons by experienced black belt hapkido instructors. However, hapkido is an active and dynamic martial art which involves some contact. Advanced students will be pushing to their limits, and invariably injuries such as sprains etc can occur just as they do with any other sports activity. Membership fees include insurance against injury.

5. What happens during the first session?

New students can just watch or join in straight away and begin at their own pace.

6. How much does it cost to train?

Hapkido is not expensive and fees compare very favourably with most sports activities. Fees are paid per session. Please contact your local club for details.

7. How long does it take to earn a black belt?

Hapkido covers a lot of martial arts skills, and these take some time to develop. Training a student to become a black belt as quickly as possible is not important in World Koong Joong Hapkido clubs. Our unhurried approach aims to produce competent martial artists with complete skills.

8. Are there tournaments in Hapkido?

Hapkido is not a competition style. Many hapkido moves would result in serious injury to the opponent if they were used in competition.

However, aspects of hapkido are similar to other styles and hapkido students find that their skills are very transferable to other competition systems.

9. How are you graded in Hapkido?

Students are graded in an established structured grading system. New students start with a white belt, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, and red, before black belt.

10. Do I have to be fit before starting training?

New students can begin Hapkido whatever their ability or fitness level. If you are unfit, you will become fit!

11. I have an injury, can I still train?

Due to the varied nature of skills taught in classes, some students often find that they can train around an injury by focusing on a different aspect of Hapkido.

12. I have a medical condition, can I still train?

Students with asthma are able to train in hapkido. If you have a condition which you think might affect an aspect of your training, please contact the club instructor.


Contact us with further questions on hapkido training.

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